Poland diss


1. Partnership wallcharts or displays:

a) The display and our project poster at the school entrance:


b) After the first part of the logo competition was finished, there was a display of the students' posters in the school hall (the winners' posters are below). Also, a presentation summarising the contest were uploaded onto this blog homepage: http://erasmusmaths.blogspot.com/2014/10/dear-friends-students-from-poland-have.html

c) The presentations summarising the completed tasks 1 - 13 are also displayed on this blog: 


TASK 3: 



TASK 6: 

TASK 7: 



TASK 10:

TASK 11:

TASK 12:

TASK 13:

d) After the second task was finished, students' models were exhibited in the Mathematics classroom, too. Now, they're gathered in a special cupboard.


e) After the transnational meeting in Sant'Agatha Li Battiati, Italy students' posters prepared during the art & maths workshops have been displayed in the Mathematics classroom:

The above board presents colourful posters involving mathematical shapes adjusted to artistic purpose. Students painted special linen, then stuck the flowery images to them.

f) Also the youngest children from our Primary School got interested in the project, prepared flags of the participating countries and made a display in the school day room:


The little ones were shown a map and a globe and were looking for the partnering countries. They got really interested in the globe:

2. Partnership Newsletter:

 The TwinSpace JOURNAL was used as a newsletter during our project where we informed about the transnational meetings and all the tasks completed. Here's a link to our TwinSpace JOURNAL:

This is one of the posts in the journal:

3. Partnership Web Site/ Blog: 

The link to our project blog:

In the blog we regularly posted task reports including summary presentations 
and evaluations of the tasks. 
Here's an exemplary image of one of our posts:

4. Briefings:

The project was promoted during the following meetings with parents, students and local community:

a) Official meetings with parents  - our parents were regularly informed about the project, its aims, finished and planned activities:
 - on 18 November 2014 
 - on 2 February 2015
This is one of the slides about the project from the PowerPoint presentation shown to the parents on 2 February 2015:

- June 2015 (various dates for the particular classes)

- in September 2015 (various dates for the particular classes)
- on 15 January 2016 

- on 16 June 2016

b) The school celebrations were also used to promote the project:

- The 50th anniversary of our school on 18 October 2014 - the head teacher informed the guests including the local government and province authorities, our school graduates and the school community about the recently started project Erasmus+ MATHS IS EVERYWHERE!

- The celebration of Children's Day on 1 June 2015 - this event was another opportunity to promote the project and present its activities in an exciting way. We also invited our students' families - parents and siblings to join in. They could see mathematical games for the youngest students of our school, watch and listen to mathematical songs, raps and rhymes prepared by our secondary school students.

The end of the school year 2014/2015  on 26 June 2016 - this official school event included a PowerPoint presentation about all the tasks completed during the first year of the project "Maths Is Everywhere!" Among the participants there were teachers, students and their families as well as representatives of the local government.

The opening of the school year 2015/2016 on 1 September 2015 - our head teacher informed all the present guests - representatives of the local government and our community - as well as students and their parents about the project Erasmus+ "Maths Is Everywhere!" - its aims and activities realised  by the participating schools.

- The celebration of the Children's Day on 2 June 2016 - this time we presented a summary of the project activities to our school community as well as representatives of the local government and local community. 

The end of the school year 2015/2016 on 23 and 24th June 2016 - the head teacher gave a speech which included summarising the project Erasmus+ "Maths Is Everywhere!". The participants included our school community, our staff and our students' families as well as representatives of the local authorities.

c) The staff meetings were also another opportunity to present the activities completed by the project team and discuss the coming challenges connected with the project. Following the needs of the project team more and more teachers got involved in the and actively supported the project activities during the school years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016.

d) Meetings with parents of the students participating in the transnational meetings in Italy, Romania and the UK. The meetings took place in February 2015, September 2015 and April 2016. The parents were informed about the aims of the project and activities planned during the students' stays abroad.

5. E-twinning Platform:

Here's the link to our TwinSpace:



We made special short depictions of our activities in the JOURNAL section 
and made it public so that everyone could see what we did in the project. The posts consisted of short descriptions of all the tasks and slides giving some ideas what all the partner schools did.

Images presenting posts in the JOURNAL:


The detailed articles about all the project tasks have been posted regularly in the internal sections of the PAGES. Now, the PAGES have been opened to the public view and we're going to use them to promote the results of our project, too.
Apart from task descriptions they contain photos, presentations and films summarising our work.

This is our post about task 4 and results of our meeting in Italy:

Here you can see one of our posts in the PAGES - this one is about TASK 6 - Maths and Games:

6. Active use of social media sites that will highlight important events and links to the partnership web site will be shared from social media:

- Facebook website of Zespół Szkół w Rudkach: 


Here are some images presenting our school Facebook with posts about the project:

7. Media communications and press releases:

In total there were nine articles published in the regional newspapers promoting the Erasmus+ activities. 

a) Paper and online articles about the transnational meeting in Poland released on 26 February 2015 by the regional daily magazine "ECHO DNIA":

You can read the article here:

b) Paper and online article about the transnational meeting in Poland released on 26 February 2015 by the regional newspaper "GAZETA STARACHOWICKA":

You can read the article here:

c) Paper and online articles about the transnational meeting in Italy released on 3 April 2015 by the regional newspaper "ECHO DNIA": 

The article in the paper edition of the daily magazine "Echo Dnia".

You can read the article here:

d) An online article about the transnational meeting in Turkey (released on 16 June 2015) by the regional daily magazine "ECHO DNIA". 

You can read the article here:

     e) A paper article about the transnational meeting in Turkey (released on 15 June 2015) by the regional weekly newspaper "TYGODNIK STARACHOWICKI". 

The article in the paper edition of the weekly magazine "Tygodnik Starachowicki".

f) A paper and online article about the transnational meeting in Romania (released on 31 October 2015) by the regional weekly newspaper "GAZETA STARACHOWICKA". 

You can read the article here:

g) A paper and online article about the transnational meeting in Romania (released on 31 October 2015) by the regional weekly newspaper "TYGODNIK STARACHOWICKI". 

You can read the article here:

h) An online article about the transnational meeting in the UK (released on 1 June 2016) by the regional daily magazine "ECHO DNIA". 

You can read the article here:

8. Workshops:

There were quite a few workshops realised during our project.

First, in Poland, students took part in classes combinig mathematics, geography and IT to do one of the project tasks - find the most economical task way to get to the travel countries (task 3 - Maths and Travelling). They also played mathematical games.

Second, workshops connected with the project activities naturally took place during each transnational meeting with the participating students, i.e. in Italy, in Romania and in the UK:
- In Italy students cooperated in a few workshops to explore the relations between mathematis and designs in art - they tried to recreate mathematical designs using mathematical tools such as compasses, a set square, a ruler, etc., designed artistic posters based on mathematical rules and photographed Maths in art while visiting the attractions of Sicily.

- In Romania the participants worked together on another task - task 8 - Maths and PE. They prepared a poster about sports disciplines, played sports games together and made a PP presentation summarising their activities.

- In the UK our students took part in a number of mathematical activities related to the project tasks - they went on a mathematical treasure hunt which (task 6 - Maths and Games), looked for Maths in Levens Hall Gardens (task 1 - Maths Around Us), made a cartoon featuring geometrical shapes (task 1 - Maths Around Us) and a presentation about their daily routines (task 13 - Maths and European Life).

9. Organisation of an Erasmus+ corner or display area in each partner school:  

The two-part display in the school hall presents the basic information about the partner countries and schools and the project tasks:


We also did some extra activities to encourage students to increase their knowledge about the partner countries.
For example we organised a display of postcards from the partner countries in our geography room - students had to imagine they were visiting the capitals of the UK, Italy, Turkey and Romania and write postcards from their destinations. They drew flags on their postcards and searched for information about attractions in the capitals they chose:

10. E-twinning and facebook pages to show "Maths is Everywhere!"

 Detailed information about eTwinning website and Facebook publications were given above - in points 5 and 6.

- eTwinning website of Zespół Szkół w Rudkach: 

11. Two articles will be written in our school and local newspapers.

All the articles regarding the project are published on our school website http://zsrudki.edupage.org/ since our school does not run a school newspaper.

The local newspaper articles are listed in point 7 - "Media communications and press releases".

12. Ideas and activity descriptions will be shared on the webpage of every school.

    Our students, teachers and parents are regularly informed about the project activities on the school website and invited to all special activities organised during the project.

Also, when the project was started, a special subpage was created at the school website to inform everyone concerned about the activities. In the "KLUB EUROPEJSKI" section everyone can read about the project in general - its aims, partners, plan and the tasks in progress.

a) Articles and information about the project activities on the school homepage:


Below you can see examples of the articles reporting all the activities completed during the project - both the tasks and the transnational meetings:

b) A bookmark about the project in general:

c) A bookmark about the logo contest:

d) A bookmark about the project tasks that are currently in progress: 

13. Project activities will be used to improve teaching during classes.

All the activities planned for the two years of the project were to enhance the quality of teaching Mathematics, English and IT as well as a few other subjects such as PE, Art, Biology and  Geography. The tasks encouraged our teachers and students to explore new ways of teaching and learning Mathematics. 

To make sure the introduced tasks were useful and to get feedback we did regular surveys after each task.

14. The activities of the project will be integrated in the curriculum of each school.

In Poland all junior high school students have to participate in at least one educational project to meet the requirements specified by the Polish Ministry of Eduacation. The ERASMUS+ project is fully integrated with these requirements:


15. We will popularize the project at a local and national level by means of video/ photo/ PPT material with schools in our region, the school inspectorate, City Hall etc.

a) The local council - Nowa Słupia Commune's internet website - 7 articles and notes about the school's participation in the ERASMUS+ project, an invitation to the transnational meeting for the community and articles about the transnational meetings in Poland, Italy and Turkey as well as a summary of the project activities with photos (on 7 October 2014, 9 February 2015, 20 February 2015, 31 March 2015, 8 & 10 June 2015 and 29 July 2015):

An article informing the local community about starting the international project 
Erasmus+ 2014-2016: Maths Is Everywhere!

An invitation to the local community to participate in the meetings with the representatives of the partnering countries in the Community Centre on 9th February 2015: 

An article report from the transnational visit of the teachers representing the partnering countries in Rudki, Poland in February 2015:

An article report from the transnational visit of the teachers and students representing the partnering countries in Sant'Agata Li Battiati, Italy in March 2015:

An article report from the transnational visit of the teachers representing the partnering countries in Balikesir, Turkey in May - June 2015:

An article about the school celebrations of Children's Day involving project activities connected with mathematics in June 2015:

An article report summarising all the Erasmus+
 activities during the school year 2014/2015: 

An article report from the transnational visit of the teachers and pupils representing the partnering countries in Ploiesti, Romania in October 2015:

An article report from the transnational visit of the teachers and pupils representing the partnering countries in Pendle, the UK in May 2016:

An article reporting the summary of the project during the school celebration of Children's Day in June 2016:

b) A short paper and online article about the transnational meeting in Poland on 8-12 February 2015 published in the quarterly "KRONIKA ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKA" published by the Nowa Słupia Commune on 2 April 2014:

An article about the transnational visit in Rudki, Poland in February 2015 (published in 2015).

An article about projects and classes realised in our school included a short information about "Maths Is Everywhere!" (published a t the beginnning of 2016).

16. The project will be presented at local radio/TV or school radio.

 Local TV published a short spot and newsletter about the transnational meeting in Poland (on 11 February 2015):

17. An article presenting the project will be posted on the Erasmus+ site and different material posted on the Facebook page of the program.

18. Presentations of the schools and our activity will be presented during each transnational meeting.

b) Presentations during the transnational meeting of teachers in Poland - February 2015:
 - First, students presented information about Poland, the Holy Cross region and Zespół Szkół w Rudkach (PowerPoint presentation);
- Then, they showed PowerPoint reports on the logo of the project and two tasks "Maths Around Us";
- Finally, the representatives of the partnering schools showed presentations about their countries and schools.

c) Presentations during the transnational meeting of teachers and students in Italy - 22 - 28 March 2015:
- the project participants exchanged information about the first tasks 1,2 & 3 in multimedia presentations: 


d) Additionally, during the celebrations of the end of school year 2014/2015 our students showed a presentation of all the project activities conducted throughout the year. Now, you can watch it as a PREZI (since 28 July 2015):

It is posted on our school website http://zsrudki.edupage.org/ for all those who are interested in watching it.

e) Also, the presentation about the project Erasmus+ 2014-2016: Maths Is Everywhere! was shown during our students' visit in Csengele, Hungary (27 - 31 July 2015). Our students displayed the PowerPoint presentation and talked about the project activities in front of their Hungarian peers and representatives of the Hungarian hosts on 28 July 2015.

f) Presentations during the transnational meeting of teachers in Turkey - 29 May - 2 June 2015

g) Presentations during the transnational meeting of teachers and students in Romania - 5-9 October 2015

h) Presentations during the transnational meeting of teachers and students in the UK - 16-20 May 2016

19.  All these activities will lead to creating the final product of the project - Maths is Everywhere - A Cross-Curricular Approach to Teaching Mathematics - that will be available in e-form on our project site as well as in printed form so that other teachers can join in this rewarding and creative experience.


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