
-The project theme will become an integral part of schools' curricula not only for two years of the project, but that will also last after the financed period. The brochure and DVDs with the presentation will be used during lessons.
-The educational resource and  manuals, brochures, leaflets, books, DVDs, presentations prepared in the project will stay at schools and will be used to educate students and staffs later on.
- Articles concerning the partnership will be published in local/regional newspapers and on local/regional websites .
-Products and materials will be presented during some meetings in the nearest schools. They will be aimed at promoting the project, presenting the project results and sharing the ideas, knowledge and experience about learning and teaching with local communities.
-A project website will be created to put the news, results and project progress information on the Internet. Project results will be presented to the parents during the parents' meetings at schools.
-The partner schools will continue to work together on eTwinning platform Twinspace, developing the activities and creating new tasks after the end of the EU funding.
-Finally, the staff can compare their students' attitudes towards learning Maths and exchange ideas how to encourage teenagers to become more conscious participants of educational process, also after financed period of the project.
- The pupils and students will remain in contact with each other after the project and continue to develop international relations and improve communication and English skills.

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