The planned activities for our project are as follows:
September,2014: Presentation of project to students,staff,parents and local community,designing a logo or poster about the project and creating wall/ board displays in schools to keep everyone informed. Input to E-twinning Twinspace.
October2014:Transnational Project Meeting in Poland, exchange of partner countries' history, ethnic and religion aspects and school description. Select the logo to be used for the project. Discussions about project management and it's reception in our respective countries and planning future activities/questionnaires/ dissemination plans.
Oct-Nov 2014 Maths Around Us–Students to find patterns and shapes (numbers for SEN) in the streets, building, parks, home, school etc. Students take pictures and identify the shapes/ nos. and create an exhibition or montage in each school.
Dec. 2014 Maths Around Us – Based on the shapes they previously found, students have to make their own design (building/ room etc.) or try to reconstruct a famous local building. The best designs will be posted on the e-twinning platform.
February 2015 Maths & Travelling–Students have to think of ways of travelling to the partner schools' countries using the fastest/cheapest/most economical transport and to extend, more specifically, to the cities/towns in which our partners' schools are.
March 2015 Short term pupil exchange in Italy-Maths & Art- Workshops with students will help them to find connections between Maths and Art by identifying shapes in works of art/symmetry/ colour by numbers representing calculations/tangram designs/tessellation posters etc. Itinerary exhibition with photos of the activities so far.
April/May 2015 Creating a song or rap about Maths
June 2015 - Transnational Project Meeting in Turkey to further discuss results/ impact so far and future dissemination plans and activities.
June 2015 - Maths & Games - Students take part together in group-work – e.g design a treasure hunt. The clues will consist of solving Math exercises, puzzles, Math riddles, etc. Students have to organize the treasure hunt.
Sept. 2015 Maths in School Research – Students organise surveys in schools to find out what subject students prefer, how they like to spend their free time/ what is their favourite TV show etc. pupils to choose topics via the e-twinning website. The results of the survey will be later on interpreted and posted on the site/ e-twinning platform.
Oct. 2015 Short term pupil exchange in Romania-Maths and P.E. - The students will take part in different timed sports competitions such as–speed (50m), jumping in a bag, standing on one leg, relay races etc. The results will be posted and compared on the Twinspace. Graphs to be produced.
Nov. 2015 Maths & Health – Students will make a diary of their eating habits. At the end of each day they will calculate the calories they have consumed and draw a percentage of healthy food vs. unhealthy food . Students will present healthy daily menus/ dishes and their benefits (vitamins, energy they give us) to their peers – Health Week – every student who signs up will try one of the dishes suggested by their colleagues and state their opinion and eat an apple a day. (SEN school (UK) will look at the calories in the healthy and unhealthy food but won't be making dishes and will have a competition to see which class can eat the most fruit in a week)
Dec 2015- January 2016 Fundraising - Schools to find a way of raising money for a local charity/school fund by making things or doing activities to raise money. They need to consider costs; expenses etc. and amount of money raised.
February 2016 Maths and Logics–Students make their own puzzles, logical games or decrypting codes games and integrate Maths into their riddles.
March 2016- Maths and Logics–Students post their games and riddles and the partners have to solve them.
April 2016 Maths and Everyday Life–Students make a diary counting the number of minutes they spend doing different activities. By the end of the month they will come up with solutions about how to improve their daily routine
May 2016 Maths and European Way of Life – Students post their results on the e-twinning/ site of the project. They discuss the cultural differences as to how different cultures spend their time. Together they will make a presentation that shows diagrams of the differences between the daily routines of children from different cultures.
June 2016 Short term pupil exchange in UK – Exhibition with photos of all the activities. Debate – best activities /most fun activities – students prepare together presentations and explain their choice. Preparation of the final product Maths is Everywhere -A Cross-Curricular Approach to Teaching Mathematics. Preparation- Final report
August 2016 Meeting in UK - Coordinators will elaborate the Final Report and finalise the educational resource and discuss sustainability of project and further dissemination of results.
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