
Evaluation report for the short term pupil exchange in Catania, Sicily

For the first short term pupil exchange in Catania, Sicily.  March 2015

Areas and Activities Discussed/ Presented
During the meeting we presented/ discussed the following:

  • All partner schools presented Activities 1,2, and 3
  • Observed the beginning of Activity 4 – Maths and Art with students completing mosaic designs
  • Ensured everyone had evaluation forms for staff and pupils for each activity.
  • Discussed dissemination for the project – visit to radio station
  • Discussed use of social media for the project
  • Discussed dates for next meetings in Turkey, Romania and the UK
  • Discussed how to use E-Twinning platform (Twinspace) and the blog (erasmusmaths.blogspot.com) and all uploaded photos and PPTs to the site
  • School Evaluation teams (1 adult/2 or 3 students) to chat or Skype asap and to have logins on the Twinspace for regular communication.
  • Need to have schemes of work for all activities in format relevant for each school to support final booklet/ guide of popular tasks
  • Introduced to some Italian history, traditions, food and culture.

Concerns arising
  • How to use mobility tool and project management budget
  • Any queries prompt different answers/ comments from national agencies and the need to ask own agencies independently
  • Dates for Turkey meeting during UK holidays (may be difficult for staff to attend)
  • Costs for subsistence when not staying in student homes

Joint student project
1.      Activity 1 Maths Around Us: Students from the UK and Turkey took photos and identified shapes, numbers and patterns around Catania and Taormina and created a Power Point.
2.      Activity 3 Maths and Travelling: Students form the UK and Turkey created a Power Point to work out travel time and average speed on 2 project trips to Etna and Syracuse.
3.      Activity 4 Maths and Art: Students from  Poland and Romania created a Power Point to look at the upcoming activity of Maths and Art.

Team Comments

UK Team 

Evaluation of the meeting:

The UK team was impressed with this first exchange. The activities chosen allowed the pupils to interact with the others which is vitally important for the success of the project. The activities involved all the pupils and also allowed for peer support and opportunities to find out more about students from other countries.
Valuable time was allocated for co-ordinators to meet to discuss the project so far and to plan future meetings and activities
It was particularly pleasing to be able to share with out Turkish partner a way of measuring progress for students that don’t meet national criteria levels and to show visual systems that we use when working with hearing impaired children.
In terms of outcomes for our young people the project delivered more than we expected, based on the previous experiences. It was an inclusive project at all levels ie socially & educationally and as result our young people grew in confidence and participated fully in all the planned activities. The inclusivity of the project was reflected in the collaboration of the lead teachers from each school and their awareness of the needs of all the students participating but especially those with SEND.

Overall a great trip.The school was welcoming everyday from the head to the youngest student and the cakes and lunches provided were superb!

Turkey Team 

Evaluation of the meeting:

It was a fantastic experience for our students and staff. We were hosted very well. Italian families were like real families to our students and also our students got along with their foreign friends very well. They were able to know Sicilian culture very closely. They were very happy during the whole journey. In their own evaluation reports, they indicated that they understood how to be tolerant towards different cultures and they now know that even we have different country names we have a very strong common point: “We are all humans”

We were able to see the school life of our partner school, culture, customs, landmarks and traditions of Sicily and Catania. Also we were able to do our project activities “Maths Around Us” and “Maths and Travel”. Also we had a view of our next activity “Maths And Art”.

It is a pleasure for us to work in this project and we are looking to host our friends in Turkey at the end of May.

Romania Team 

Evaluation of the meeting:

Our team was more than pleased to take part in this meeting.
Firstly, our students had the chance to work on the project together and they managed to take part in fun interesting activities related to the topic “Maths and Art” that helped them cooperate. Thus, they learnt that they have more than they thought in common.
Secondly, the Romanian students were very much impressed by how well they were received by the host families who did their best to make them feel at home and share Sicilian customs and traditions.
The cultural visits were in the spirit of the March activity as we all discovered the cultural richness of the region and experienced the great artistic display of art of the region. The fact that the students were advised to pay attention to detail as they would later have to make a presentation of activity 4 within the project made them be particularly attentive and focus on this aspect of the meeting.
This was also a wonderful opportunity for the staff to meet and discuss important aspects regarding project management and organization. We were extremely pleased by the fact that we managed to reach an agreement as to the meeting to come and also about some of the organizational aspects of the Turkey meeting that focuses on the intermediary report.
Last but not least, we would like to thank our Italian guests who did such a great job in organizing the meeting, by preparing interesting activities for all our students, by sharing their culture and traditions with us, as well as their incredible landmarks.
We strongly believe this meeting was a success and we are looking forward to the meetings to come.

Team Comments

Poland Team 

Evaluation of the meeting:

The Polish team has a high opinion of the meeting. Our Italian hosts created a brilliant atmosphere. Polish students felt like they were “at home” with the Italian families. They had the opportunity to get to know the real, everyday life of Italians, their customs, cuisine and culture. Our students have established great friendships with the Italian students.  We also evaluate the care of the students very well. Teachers were also able to observe the beginning of Activity 4 – Maths and Art with students completing mosaic designs. It was an interesting and developing experience. It gave our students an opportunity to create their own presentations connected with Activity 4 “Maths and Art”. Teachers and students had the possibility to discover amazing Italian culture and historical landmarks and then international teams worked together creating presentations for “Maths Around Us” and “Maths and Travelling”. The meeting was really well prepared.  Our Italian friends did their best and were hospitable and helpful. They made an effort to help us to get to know and appreciate the diversity of Italian cuisine, culture, customs, landmarks and traditions.
We are looking forward to the next meeting.

Our hosts

The entire allocated European budget for Italy was used to present Italian culture and enable the visitors to experience it as much as possible. This included food, art, history and tradition. The whole school community was involved, without receiving any incentives: the caretaking and support staff, the administrative staff, part of the teaching staff, external mother tongue language teachers, the majority of the students, some of the students' families, the Headteacher and external collaborators such as local council staff, sponsors and local media.
It was both a fun and educational experience for our pupils to work together with other European students. There was great enthusiasm to host and to collaborate with the partners and to discover new ways of carrying out work within the school.